понедельник, 22 октября 2007 г.

Rainy days ...

For us it's raining for a few days every now and again ... and it is colder now ...
But I had been so happy for the spring ...
If it is not visible would hear how nature slowly back to life, one might think, would fall ...

Personally, I have nothing against a rainy day (especially with the sea has its appeal), but this cold, wet weather but sometimes puts on the heart and mind down ...
Apart from physical complaints, such as for example the earth Rheumatism very strengthened, as I have from my own experience many years experience again and again. Ensuring the constant weather changes and must adapt to deal with the situation given to arrange sometimes requires a lot of power and a lot more patience ...

It is good to know that nothing remains just as it is and after each rain, the sun appears again.
This knowledge, and to align itself after her, for our lives to be very valuable.

I was browsing at a beautiful song samples discovered that I did not want to hide.
This song also has something to do with rain, but this is also about love and pride.
An unrequited love, the rain helps to hide the tears.


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