понедельник, 22 октября 2007 г.

Health Foods introduce themselves ... Today: Biolüske - Hostel in Berlin

For those of you who have had from Berlin and environment, I have discovered a great Hostel ...
Biolüske was in the fall of 2005 as the best organic supermarket in Germany.

Every day there are fresh organic products directly from regional producers or from certified wholesalers to Biolüske.
What I find particularly great is that Biolüske a Bio-Kochstudio.
After several preparations took place from 27 Until 29 May 2006 in the Bio-Kochstudio the Anti-Violence Project "Cooking Against Violence."
A successful action, I mean. In addition, at regular intervals, a cooking course program for the next fortnight. In the course is almost cooked and then everything is at the large table with a glass of wine to be taken. These actions can be found cooking at the same time a lot about health and nutrition.

Cooking Show is another highlight, which Biolüske anbietet.Immer again be celebrities and top chefs invited.

Here is the address for those who look at a picture of this Hostel want:

Drake 50
12205 Berlin
Train Lichterfelde-West

Tel 030-862 009 1970
Fax 030-862 009 1969

Mon-Sat 8-20

Crispy baked goods
7:30 pm


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