воскресенье, 28 октября 2007 г.

Here I am --- again ---

I am back ...

The time in hospital verann ...

Currently, I have not the time or better said, the spare no
detail on the events of the past few weeks detail ...

I am very happy, but ultimately the steps boldly gone to ...

I had so many experiences.

Experiences me what my real health concerns, according to the
diagnosis of the doctor, but initially arg "ready" have made,
but also experiences that positive thinking and corresponding
action but worthwhile.

It is a yes no other choice, we will not fall by the wayside

I had wonderful, positive encounters with people of different
nationalities and different faiths.

I had very competent doctors who understood my fear of the
various joint configurations point to take the station staff
was "fit", and by occupational and physical therapists and
their supi, and by the positive conversations with the
psychologist to deal with pain, and not least by the infusions
and my "new" drugs that are now so because I agree with them,
constant companion, was my condition, even if I am the night is
very difficult to rest, but at least temporarily significantly

Adhere is now the watchword, dennnnnnnnnn ... standstill means
... ttirhcskcüR ...

A very loving greeting to all the above, (I know that the on /
e or other it reads) You were great!

Greeting a very dear to my lovely bed neighbors H. and C. and
their families, the issue was really multikulti. Why had I not
go abroad, no, I got the delicious spaghetti Pommodore of C's
Famiglia even served fresh in bed ....

(That is not to say that the KH-Essen not have tasted!)

H. your Turkish cookies were also very delicious!

Aaaber also affect the other comrades / genossinnen were
really nice.

S., your site, I have looked very good work that you deal with
your institution, hat!

Mrs. W., if you again ne Nil-Kreuzfahrt or something similar
in planning, let me know, your photos were really so wonderful

Next, we see ourselves but for the first concert ...

Kindest regards, of course, also go to my parents and my
sister, my daughter and to my friends and neighbors from
Germany, Italy, Holland, Switzerland, Austria and Argentina.

Your phone calls and visits enriched my hospital every day but
very ...

Thank you, I, that you and me hingefahren have picked you
again and, and, and ...

H. I thank you at this point especially, without you I would
have Mieze in the cat's pension guess ...

I could now still a few, but I think anyone who has more to do
with me, knows that he or she is mean ...

D. You also do so much more for me ... thx!

Sooo, now, I have written more than I really wanted, so I will
try to give you a first line set!

Thanks to all for EVERYTHING! ! !


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